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师傅上门清洗 洗衣机 服务

最快 2小时*,上门服务,把你的洗衣机 


安心使用 没细菌,没污垢 的洗衣机。


注意! 你是不是一直用着很肮脏

藏满细菌 病毒的洗衣机

上海疾控中心抽样检查了 128 



内槽中的霉菌检出率为 60.2%,

细菌总数检出率为 81.3%

总大肠菌群检出率高达 100%

有 54.7% 的洗衣机




可以洗出 400 g – 1.6 kg 的污垢

等于 2台 到 8台 iPhone那么多 !


全都藏在 内槽 和 夹层







可以 怎样帮到你?

  • 有效 细菌过敏原 的数量

  • 马上解决污垢脱落的问题

  • 大量减少洗衣机的 异味

  • 提升免疫力,少看医生

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为什么很多人开始 放弃自己 D I Y 清洗

数据显示,高达 99 % 的洗衣机,


没有办法 完全清洗干净,





几次 DIY 清洗后,还残留 50 – 90%

的污垢和 有毒化学药品


很可能 腐蚀内桶的底部


  • 特别声明长期,多次浸泡内槽药粉的 “上开盖洗衣机(直立式)“,将会不在我们的清洁服务内。药剂可能已经腐蚀了脆弱的内桶底部,桶底的构造不是耐腐蚀的白钢做的。严重腐蚀的内桶底,是没有办法拆开来清洗和维修的。

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每年清洗 1 次洗衣机内槽,

怎样  改善你的健康状况?

想象每年都换一台 新的 的洗衣机


不会那么容易让你 生病敏感



就值得了 !

9大理由,为什么你身边的朋友,只选择 Mr. Clean

  1. 上开盖洗衣机(或直立式),不需要拆开任何电子设备,就能安全拿出内桶

  2. 我们只用高压水枪,和Amway环保清洁剂清洗,跟洗车一样安全

  3. 不用有毒药水,不用腐蚀性的溶解剂

  4. 我们只安排自家的华人师傅,没有外劳和学徒独自上门服务

  5. 清洗后,会用纳米喷雾器,喷洒 Amway 杀菌剂,水滴都很难进入的微细孔都能杀菌

  6. 清洗后,有长达 14天的手工保家,完全不担心安装后的问题。

  7. 截至 2020 年 4 月,整个团队拥有 超过6000 台洗衣机的拆洗经验

  8. 最多当地人的选择,口碑最好,业绩最好

  9. 国际洗衣机生产商的指定合作伙伴

团队超过 30,000台 洗衣机的拆洗经验,99% 的满意度

82% 的人明显 改善健康问题

听听我们的顾客 怎么说

Akie Fong

Try their services for bed and washing machine cleaning, it make me unbelievable my washing machine is so dirty. Mr clean did a good job 

Sin Ling Ku

Very prompt and professional on their service. Highly recommended.

Jean See






上门服务地区 (Johor)



* 使用过药粉清洗的 “直立式”,或10年以上的 “直立式”  不在我们的清洗范围 因为洗衣机过度腐蚀,没办法顺利拆开来清洗的话,会征收RM 90 的交通费。


直立式洗衣机        : RM 190 - 220 (原价 RM 250)


前门洗衣机            : RM 310 (原价 RM 360 )


2合1  前门洗衣机  : RM 390(原价 RM 420 )

 (清洗 + 烘干)             



上开盖洗衣机(直立式): 2 – 3 小时

前门洗衣机 (滚筒式)   : 3 – 4 小时

师傅上门         14天手工保家         不满意退款
English WM

Onsite Washing Machine Cleaning Service

As soon as 2 hours, let us restore the cleanliness of your washing machine

as clean as new one, so that your family can wash laundry with a peace of mind.


Hey ! Have you been using a DIRTY washing machine

with full of BACTERIA & VIRUSES ? ?

The Shanghai Disease Control Center sampled 128 washing machines,

The results show that the detection rate of :


Mold is 60.2%,

Bacteria is 81.3%,

Coliforms is 100%,

54.7% of the washing machines contain ALL of these.


During the deep cleaning process,

400 g – 1.6 kg of dirt can be washed out

Equal to the weight of 2 to 8 iPhones !

Where are the bacteria and dirt hidden?

There are lots of dark, damp gaps and untouched area.


Bacteria and dirt are in the hidden area!


Soap scale, dirt from water & clothes can accumulate easily in the gaps and inter layer, and then become the food source & habitat of bacteria and virus!

How can the cleaning service help?

•  Effectively control the number of viruses, bacteria and allergen

•  Immediately solve the problem of loosen dirt & debris

•  Significantly reduce bad smell on laundry

•  Improve immunity and stay away from doctor !

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Why do many people STOP cleaning with TUB CLEANER or Home Remedy?

The data shows that up to 99.9% of the washing machines, are still DIRTY, after using certain type of tub cleaner, vinegar, soda or any home remedies.


After several DIY cleanings, 50 – 90% of dirt and chemical residues are still in washer. Not only that, some of these chemicals, are likely to corrode the bottom part of the inner drum!

* Special statement:

For top loader washer which ever cleaned several times by tub cleaning powder will NOT be in our service range. Harsh chemicals may corrode & damage the fragile part of machine.

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How to improve your health by

cleaning Washing Machine yearly?

Imagine changing a NEW & CLEAN washing machine every year.

When the quantity of bacteria and viruses is under control,

You won’t fall sick easily.


1 Cleaning Service A Year, Keeps Doctors Away !

9 reasons why your friends

choose only Mr. Clean

  1. For top loaded washing machine, inner drum can be safely removed without disassembling any electronic equipment, therefore very low risk.

  2. We only use pressurized water & Amway mild cleaner, which is as safe as normal car washing.

  3. Guaranteed NO toxic and corrosive cleaner will be used.

  4. We only arrange our own Chinese technician with good experience. No foreign labour or trainee will attend alone.

  5. After washing, Amway disinfectant will be sprayed with a nano ULV disinfection sprayer to sterilize every tiny hole and corners of drum.

  6. 14 days workmanship warranty after servicing.

  7. As of April 2020, our entire team has accumulated more than 6,000 washing machine disassembly and cleaning experience.

  8. The top-rated washing machine cleaner in town, with the best reputation and most repetitive clients.

  9. Appointed servicing partner of international washing machine maker

Serviced more than 30,000 machines, 99% satisfaction rate,

82% of clients have obviously improved health problems

Our HAPPY customers said:

Akie Fong

Try their services for bed and washing machine cleaning, it make me unbelievable my washing machine is so dirty. Mr clean did a good job 

Sin Ling Ku

Very prompt and professional on their service. Highly recommended.

Jean See





Cleaning Effect

We cover these areas in JOHOR:

Johor Bahru, Gelang Patah, Iskandar Puteri

Book Now WM

* TOP loader with ABOVE 10 years, or top loader which ever cleaned with tub cleaning chemicals are NOT within our service range.  If washing machine is severely corroded and cannot be serviced, we will charge RM 90 instead of cleaning charges.

Top Loader              : RM 190 - 220 ( R̶̶̶M̶̶̶ ̶̶̶2̶̶̶5̶̶̶0̶̶̶ )    

Front Loader           : RM 310 ( R̶̶̶M̶̶̶ ̶̶̶3̶50̶ )    

2 in 1 Front LoaderRM 390 ( R̶̶̶M̶̶̶ ̶4̶30̶)     

Transport Charge is inclusive in above pricing

Cleaning Time:

Top Loader      : 2 – 3  Hours

Front Loader   : 3 – 4  Hours

14 days Workmanship Warranty.    Only Local Technician.    Money-back Guarantee.
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