Mr. Clean’s Guarantee to You
Your peace of mind is our priority and it’s our job to put a smile on your face. We will always perform cleaning task at the best of our knowledge and effort.
Although some permanent stains which cause by natural oxidization, pollution & deterioration are hard or not possible to remove, we will still pay full effort in cleaning with several attempts. We hope to seek your mutual understandings.
If customer is not happy with the quality of cleaning service, we will arrange another cleaning session to perform partial or full cleaning or checking service at no additional charge to the Requester.
Mr. Clean will cover any lost items, damages or accident during cleaning session conducted by our crew at your house by replacement, repair or compensation up to RM 200, at the mutual agreement between Mr. Clean and client, which include property damage as a direct result of negligence of a Cleaning Crew during performance of a Cleaning Session; or for losses arising from theft of a Requester’s property by a Cleaning Crew during performance of a Cleaning Session.
The Requester is eligible for the Mr. Clean’s guarantee provided that the Requester submit a written report to Mr. Clean within twenty-four (24) hours of the Cleaning Session appointment to Mr. Clean and attach with supporting photos of the incident or the specific area that did not meet Requester expectation.
For missing items, requester must send a proof of ownership such as receipt or photos that shown the Requester own the item. Then requester need to print out our Declaration Form, sign it and have it certified by local Commissioner of Oaths. Then once all submitted, we will process it within 7 working days.
If the missing items is more than our maximum coverage, we strongly advice our Requester to make a police report. If police report is submitted, we will not offer any reimbursement and will have to wait for the investigation. Our Crew will be 100% liable after the investigation.